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Flagsmith React SDK

The JavaScript Library contains a bundled isomorphic library, allowing you to fetch flags in the server and hydrate your application with the resulting state.

Example applications for a variety of Next.js and SSR can be found here.



npm i flagsmith --save

Basic Usage

The SDK is initialised against a single environment within a project on, for example, the Development or Production environment. You can find your Client-side Environment Key in the Environment settings page.


Comparing SSR and client-side Flagsmith usage

The SDK is initialised and used in the same way as the JavaScript and React SDK. The main difference is that Flagsmith should be imported from flagsmith/isomorphic.

The main flow with Next.js and any JavaScript-based SSR can be as follows:

Example: Initialising the SDK with Next.js

Taking the above into account, the following example fetches flags on the server and initialises Flagsmith with the state.

import { FlagsmithProvider } from 'flagsmith/react';
import flagsmith from 'flagsmith/isomorphic';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps, flagsmithState }) {
return (
<FlagsmithProvider flagsmith={flagsmith}
<Component {...pageProps} />

MyApp.getInitialProps = async () => { // this could be getStaticProps too depending on your build flow
// calls page's `getInitialProps` and fills `appProps.pageProps`
await flagsmith.init({ // fetches flags on the server
environmentID: "<YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID>,
identity: 'my_user_id' // optionaly specify the identity of the user to get their specific flags
return { flagsmithState: flagsmith.getState() }

export default MyApp;

import { useFlags } from 'flagsmith/react';

export function MyComponent() {
const flags = useFlags(['font_size'], ['example_trait']); // only causes re-render if specified flag values / traits change
return (
<div className="App">
font_size: {flags.font_size.value}
example_trait: {flags.example_trait}

From that point the SDK usage is the same as the React SDK Guide

Example: SSR without Next.js

The same can be accomplished without using Next.js.

Step 1: Initialising the SDK and passing the resulting state to the client.

await flagsmith.init({ // fetches flags on the server
environmentID: "<YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID>,
identity: 'my_user_id' // optionaly specify the identity of the user to get their specific flags
const state = flagsmith.getState() // Pass this data to your client

Step 2: Initialising the SDK on the client.

flagsmith.setState(state); // set the state based on your

Step 3: Optionally force the client to fetch a fresh set of flags

flagsmith.getFlags(); // set the state based on your

From that point the SDK usage is the same as the JavaScript SDK Guide